Made for PixelBorregos Game Jam 2024


Marcelo Amezcua - Programming

Estefan Guzman - Programming

Thamara Gonzalez - Programming

Hector Garay - Art, backgrounds, assets

Andrea Ibarra - Art, animations, assets

Emilio Ramírez - Art, backgrounds, assets

Fridas0321 - Real hasta la muerte brrr


A co-op puzzle game that takes place within the mines of California during the gold rush of the wild west.

As you begin the adventure in the entrance of a cave and suddenly pick up a strange hourglass that determines your fate, from then on it's a matter of paying attention to how much your characters transform and being careful to not let them fade away.

You can take advantage of the size your character has to solve different puzzles that will test your patience and skill. When played as a co-op your communication skills better be sharp, as well as your reaction time.


The characters are two tormented souls that are bound by their greed, and always want more of what ended their lives...

Represented as an entity that is always burning, you need to feed their ever thriving greed and to be careful not to let their flames extinguish.


Mr beast pls collab

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